
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Because I can no longer imagine life without a blog

The last couple of blogs were pretty event specific.  Travels With Vincent was to chronicle our first winter as snowbirds, travelling around in our VW van, and Mexican Madness  was to give friends and family an idea of our life in our new winter home in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico.
Blogging became a large part of my life and I find myself a bit lost without one on the go. 
So this one is simply an ongoing, day-to-day rambling of things and stuff that interest me.  Photos, craft projects, books, recipes - whatever strikes my fancy at the moment.

F'rinstance, this is my latest knitting project:

I've been on a serious knitting kick for a couple of months now.  I've made a matching set of scarf, mittens and a hat.  A couple of pairs of socks and a pair of flip-flop socks. (over which, I took an enormous amount of flak) 


I expect my enthusiasm for knitting will probably run out before I finish this sweater.


And my first photo project is in its 5th week of 52 weeks.  The first 26 weeks are the letters of the alphabet and the last 26 weeks are the numbers 1-26.  I'm really enjoying this project.  Unfortunately, the other members of the group are pretty creative, so it's gonna be a struggle to keep up.  Thanks to Monica for setting it up on Facebook.  Creative Photography Click

This is week #1 - A
Week #2 - B
Week #3 - C
Week #4 - D
And week # 5 - E

The rest of the project will be located under the tab at the top of the blog.


And in other news:  I've just ordered a Kindle2 E-reader!  I'm so excited!  I can't wait for it to arrive!
I hope I like it after all this anticipation.  I mean, I really like BOOKS.  I like the look of them and the feel of them and the smell of a new book is wonderful!  I love caressing the cover and cracking the spine for the first time.  Yes, I do that!  I know some people consider that sacrilege, but how else do you get the book to lie flat so you can read it while eating breakfast?  And after all, reading is the POINT of a book.  Right?

I am gonna miss this, though.  I love the look of a stack of books waiting to be read.

Of course, being able to take as many books with me as I want when we travel, will make up for it!


And finally, kitchen experiments.  Found this tasty (and easy!) dessert here:

Do these look good or what?!  And it's just mango and ice cream.  Even I can do it!


Mel150 said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're blogging again! I thought 'E' was fine. Looking forward to F. That could get kinda kinky.

Cheryl said...

I'm afraid you're going to be terribly disappointed with "F". I've tried taking the shot from a dozen angles, but there's just no way to make an old paint-peeling-off fence look interesting. At least not the particular fence that I'm working with. (Oops, I spilled the beans. Now the world knows that I cheated by taking this photo ahead of schedule.)