So, what's new? Well, I have a new job that's really cutting in to my leisure time. It's been a lot of years since I've worked full time. Who the hell thought working 5 days and only getting 2 off was a good idea? That's crazy! (Although, my bank account is happy about it :-) Luckily, it's just a temporary gig for me, and knowing that, I can handle it. My assignment should last right up until we leave for Mexico in the fall though, so that's pretty cool. The commute is ideal, it takes about 7 minutes door-to-door, and I only have to fill my gas tank up about once a month! Gotta love that!
I'm still doing the photo-a-day challenge that I started on January 1st. I know - more than six months and I haven't missed a single day! Remember, my previous attempt at this challenge lasted a whole 3 days, so this is huge for me! If you're not on Instagram, there's a link to my gallery on the right hand side of this blog. It worked when I tested it, but that might be because I'm trying to access my own account. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.
I've been out of blogging mode for a long time (as some of you have repeatedly reminded me), and I've missed it, but now that I've decided to ditch the T3 blog, I feel a lot better about it. It's good to be back here at DTL, and I plan on continuing until it's time to switch back to Mexican Madness in the fall.
And apropos of nothing, just because I don't like posts without photos, here are a couple of shots from the pipcamera app.

After I'd stuffed a few bizarre things in milk bottles, (it's a fun app) Dan said I should put a cow in a bottle, so I did.

Yeah, didn't turn out quite as I'd envisioned it, but if you'd seen how much trouble I had doing it, you'd appreciate it more.
Thanks for stopping by.