
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mini Vacay

Cool!  By taking just one day off work (Friday), I've given myself a 5 day mini vacation.  I'm off now until next Monday.  Woohoo!

Cindy & Karel are coming out to visit for a couple of days.  They were heading East for a 60th birthday celebration and decided to make a side trip to Calgary too.  (Yay!)  They arrive on Thursday and have to leave again on Saturday.  Naturally, the weather is supposed to turn to crap while they're here, but that's okay.  We don't see eachother very often, so sitting indoors with a bevvy and catching up won't be a hardship.  This photo was taken in March of this year.  We managed to fit in a quick visit with them in New Westminster on our way back from Mexico.

It's week #6/52 of my photography project. ("F")  This week's entry isn't terribly imaginative, but it practically fell into my lap.  This Fence is right outside my office window, so I've had it in mind since the beginning.  Next week is "G".  Now that's gonna be a tough one...

Taz has had her annual summer buzz cut and yes, she looks ridiculous! 
We never claimed to be expert dog groomers.   Actually, she'd look silly even if we did know what we were doing with a pair of clippers.  Her head is SO red and her undercoat is SO white, it looks like somebody attached the wrong head to her body when they assembled her. 

Go ahead and laugh!  She doesn't care, she's a lot cooler.  And I don't care because I'm no longer ankle-deep in dog hair in the house!


Mel150 said...

She always looks so happy when she gets her haircut! It's like she thinks she looks goooood. Same way Shadow looks when he's covered in sand.

Cheryl said...

Yeah, she likes the result, just not the process. Believe me, nobody enjoys the process!