
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Toys

Well, the technological neanderthals made a leap into the new millenium this week with the purchase of not one, but two new toys.  Yeeha!!! 
The iPod Touch is a handy-dandy little gadget that fits into my wallet or Dan's shirt pocket and gives us internet access pretty much anytime, anywhere.  It stores music, photos, games and most importantly  - books. (Even library books!)  Our cutting-edge friend Kaycee (Hi, Kaycee!) was over last weekend and showed us what this little puppy can do.  We went out the next day and bought one.  Now we need Kaycee back here to show us how to work the damn thing.  I played with it most of the afternoon today, and I managed to load a couple of photos and a sample of a book on to it.  I later  discovered that I should have been more discerning about which photos I uploaded because there's no "delete" button.  It is possible to delete, it's just not push-button easy.  Near as I can figure you need an advanced degree to be able to get a library book onto the iPod Touch.  First I had to download a program which would allow me to choose a library book and download it to the PC.  Did that, then discovered that the book I'd chosen was in PDF format and would now need to be converted to EPUB before it could be transferred to iTunes before it could be synced to the iPod Touch...Yikes!  That's a lot for a technologically challenged bumpkin to fathom.   My brain hurts!  Maybe I'll try again later...

And, the long-awaited Kindle finally arrived.  After talking to Kaycee on the week-end about the pros and cons of the various e-readers, I had decided to either return or sell the Kindle as soon as it arrived and go with the Sony  instead.  I wasn't even going to open the box.  Yeah, right.  Who am I kidding?  I've been waiting for this for 2 weeks, there's no way I'm not opening it up and playing with it.  So, I've decided now to keep it and love it.  If any of the cons become a problem, I'll switch to the Sony later.

And on a totally un-related note.  We went to China Rose for dinner tonight because I've been craving ginger-fried squid for a couple of weeks now.  Look what was in my fortune cookie!

Gotta go pack...


Mel150 said...

Got a Kindle review yet? The iPod Touch sounds very cool and way too techy for me.

Cheryl said...

Too techy for a geek like you. That's funny!
Just finished my first book on the Kindle, (The Help - great book!) and I liked it. For the first couple of hours I was very aware that it wasn't an actual book, but then I got into the story and forgot all about it.
I like that it remembers my place. You have no idea how many bookmarks I've lost because I tend to wander from room to room with my reading material. I like the built-in dictionary. I like that I can change the font size as my eyes get tired. I like that I don't have to jam it under the fruit bowl and balance my plate on it to hold it flat when I read at the table. It's a little bit heavier that I thought it would be, but I guess that's because I opted for the leather protective cover. And I've accidentally turned pages when I didn't mean to because I tend to fiddle with the buttons while I'm reading. Overall though, I like it. Where it's really gonna shine is when we're travelling and I can take a whole stack of books with me!