
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Aw crap!

So, the good news is that I finally finished the 2nd flip flop sock. 

That gave me permission to get back to work on the blue sweater. 
Remember the blue sweater?

It never got much further than what you see in this photo - it's been languishing in my knitting bag for months now.  I was excited to get back to it and it was going pretty fast because it's chunky wool and it's on big needles and especially after working on the sock with the teensy tiny needles and super fine yarn, it felt great.  I kept glancing at the pattern and thinking something didn't seem right, but I was still going gangbusters knitting up a storm.  I finished the body portion up to the armholes and started working on a sleeve.  I got almost 12" of the sleeve done before I finally stopped and really studied the pattern....  Ruh roh!  Way back when I first started, I went through the pattern and circled all of the numbers that pertained to the size that I wanted to make - or I thought I had.  Seems I circled all of the numbers for the large size, not the medium like I thought.  So, not only is the sweater going to be way too big, but I'm also going to run out of yarn.  I briefly considered just continuing with it and not worrying about the size, but I think my chances of finding yarn in the same dye lot, six months after buying the rest of it, are pretty much non-existant.  So all of this work (plus most of a sleeve) has to be ripped out!  


Carl Scott said...

Ruh roh! Bummer

Cheryl said...

Minor setback. I'm back on track again for a 2013 completion date.

Carl Scott said...

Atta girl! Non illigitemi carborundum. (loose translation from the pig-latin)

Cheryl said...

Wow! 3 languages - impressive!
TGFG (Thank goodness for Google)

Anonymous said...

You can finish it way before then. Now that there is no snow to shovel, you have lots of time... you could always make a lot of flip flop socks with the sweater yarn...

67 days !!! but I am not counting,my sister-in-law asked me how many days.

Cheryl said...

You are SO counting! That's okay, we're all counting with you.

Anonymous said...

I see you are counting too...215 days to Penasco !!

Cheryl said...

Sí es verdad. Estoy contando los dias.