
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Paste eggs

First of all, let me just say that I have no idea why they're called paste eggs, they just are okay?  They were always an Easter tradition in our house when I was growing up.  My mom would make a big batch of them to give to friends and family - kind of a goodwill gesture I suppose, because who really wants to get a hard-boiled egg as a gift?

Making the paste eggs was a laborious process that took hours and hours.  I wasn't allowed to actually help of course, due to the very real possibility that I'd find a way to screw it up, but my finger was always needed to hold the thread in place while Mom tied the knots.  Eventually I was made redundant when she switched to using tin foil to hold the onion skins in place instead of tying them with thread.  The tin foil versions were okay, but they were never as pretty as when they were done the old-fashioned way.

You have to start saving onion skins several months ahead of Easter.  Sure, you get some funny looks when you go to the market and buy one onion and then fill the bag with all of the loose skins from the onion bin, but that's part of the tradition...I just happened to have a bag full of skins on hand because I was going to make them last year and never got around to it.

So, I wrapped the raw eggs in onion skins and tied them up with thread. It didn't take me long to figure out  that that's easier to do if the skins are wet.  I don't remember my Mom ever soaking them - so it's no wonder it was such a chore.

  Pop 'em in a pan to boil.

And voila!  Beautiful paste eggs - just like Mom used to make.

Now as I recall, you pick out the prettiest one and give it to your best friend.  Then she gives you the prettiest one from her batch.  Then you roll them on the ground and smash them into eachother, then you eat them.  Or toss them into the nearest trash can when Mom isn't looking.  I mean really, as beautiful as they are, they're still just yucky hard-boiled eggs.


Mel150 said...

Boiled eggs are yummy, I had one for breakfast. Those are lovely, I've never seen that technique before.

Cheryl said...

Sure, they're yummy now, (I love egg-salad sandwiches) but what kid would be eggcited about hard-boiled eggs when there are chocolate bunnies around?

Mel150 said...

True, true!

Anonymous said...

Those eggs are beautiful, I have never seen them before. See why you need children, to pass down this tradition !! Quick ,it's not too late ! I like the whites of the whites, but the yoke...is just a chick !

Cheryl said...

It's too late :)
We could share an egg. I like the yolks, but the whites make me gag. (Unless they're beaten into an omelette or a quiche or an egg-salad sandwich - anything that doesn't resemble an egg white)

Anonymous said...

never say, it's too late. You can adopt. I know a little girl having a baby next month, if it were that easy, sadly it isn't.
I will share eggs with you, I can do them mixed as well, but it's no yoke for me !! jajajaja

Carl Scott said...

So, speaking of best friends, I, surprisingly, have not received an egg in the mail as yet. Perhaps it has been delayed or misdirected through some unfortunate happenstance. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, The Czech people also make this type of Easter Eggs. Karel's friend has an easy solution. She places the Onion Skins around the Eggs and then wraps them in clean Pantyhose pieces, cut to form little socks and then tied around the Egg. Might be worth a try. Either way they look lovely and maybe one of these days I'l try them out. I thought of doing something with pressed flowers and stockings this year but didn't get to it. Instead, spent an entire day sunbathing and reading on the deck and it felt delicious. Now we are back to rain. Good to hear you are getting back into the Calgary Groove. Hope your weather improves soon. Love, Cindy

Cheryl said...

We tried poking holes in the tin foil, but there just wasn't enough water flow around the skins, but panty hose - that's brilliant!!!
I don't own any, of course, but I'm sure I can scrounge some up for next year for the sake of paste eggs. Damn, I wish my mom was alive to share that tip, she'd have been delighted with it.
Of course, if it was warm enough for sunbathing, I'd chuck the egg project in a heartbeat and sit outside with a book too. Looks like I might be able to do just that today! Yaaay!
Thanks for stopping by, Cindy, it's good to hear from you.