
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Oh, they're pink

Yaaay!  After almost a decade of teasing me every year, these tulips finally bloomed this year.
I have no idea how they got here. If I was going to plant bulbs, I'd would've planted a whole whack of them, not just 2.
These 2 show up every year and they get nice juicy looking buds on them, but then they mysteriously shrivel up and die.   I didn't even know what colour they were until this year.


Anonymous said...

thanks for telling us what colour they are because there is no photo, maybe you should have painted a picture of them. Hear it is a bit wet in the ol' cowtown this week. I can hardly wait to feel rain again. Enjoy !

Cheryl said...

Thanks for telling me there was no photo. It looked fine on my end. I blogged it directly from Flickr, so maybe that's why it didn't show up.
Yep, lots of rain this week. Everybody is grumbling about it, but I'm quite enjoying it. Everything looks so fresh and green.

Anonymous said...

There is a picture and they are pretty. There are tons of flowers here, even one of my favorites from Maui, but I have not see any tulips. I hope they don't all get washed away before we get home.

Cheryl said...

You might miss the tulips, but I can guarantee you'll see lots of dandelions!

Anonymous said...

what about the lilacs? they are my favorite.

Mel150 said...

They are just beautiful, one of my favorites. What re the little purple guys peeping around the base?

Cheryl said...

Debbie, the 4th Street Lilac Festival is this weekend, but I haven't seen any sign of lilacs yet. You could catch the tail end of them.
Melody, those are violas at the base.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope the lilac's are still around in 2 1/2 weeks. I have never figured out how they have a festival, sin lilac's.

Cheryl said...

They're just starting to bloom now, so they should still be around when you get back. In 2½ weeks!!!