
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Progress report on the fence project

There's a very simple reason for the lack of progress reports on our fence.  
There's been no progress!!

We've been plagued with problems on this project.   Between Dan's injury, bad weather and contractors (yes, plural!)  that say they'll do the job then don't show up, there was no progress for weeks.   Dan finally dug the post holes himself, even though he's officially on "light duties" at work due to cracked ribs.

Not sure if he's smiling or grimacing in this picture.  Probably the latter - there wasn't a lot of smiling going on.
Okay, good enough.  Just find another piece of plywood for the other side and call it done!

Measure twice.  Cut. Swear.  Measure again.  Cut again.  Repeat as necessary.
(Photograph at your own risk.)

And finally - it starts to look like a fence!

This is it from the alley side.  Please note the retaining wall.  The source of much frustation.  Everybody else's back yard is level with back alley, but for some reason, ours is about a foot higher...
I like the way it jogs around the compost bins.  I didn't want to get rid of the compost bins, but I didn't want them in the back yard either.
Are you wondering why there's a window in it?   Eventually, it's going to have a little door on it so that we can access the composter without having to go out into the alley.  Clever eh?
...but meanwhile, we can use it for puppet shows!

Benny & Buckshot had a set up just like this didn't they?

There's still lots of work to do, but it's coming.

p.s.  I've tried about a hundred times to get the spacing right on this post, and blogger just isn't cooperating.  If it's not right this time, too bad - it's staying messed up!


Anonymous said...

Yay. puppet shows! Belly up Taz and Gracie.
Sorry about your ribs Dannee, if it's gone on this long they are cracked for sure and that frickin' hurts.
Nice job on the fence.


Cheryl said...

Gracias, Carlo. The plan was to build the gates this weekend, but Dan is back on the injured list again.

Anonymous said...

Aargh! My condolences to rib guy.


Mel150 said...

The fence looks great! Now who's painting?

Cheryl said...

Painting? Oh no, there'll be no painting.
Actually, Shirley suggested a mural...of our neighbours old car! (She thought I missed seeing it.)