Enmax called a couple of weeks ago and asked Dan if he would mind appearing on camera to tell the world why we chose to go with solar power, and he said that he would. Of course, he was thinking that it would be a 3 minute interview in the back yard with a representative from Enmax, and a guy with a videocam, and maybe 10 seconds of that would actually make it to air. WRONG!!!
At 8:30 on Friday morning our house was invaded by a full crew, complete with a script, make-up, and enough Starbucks coffee and pastries for a small army - and they were still here when I got home at 5:15!!!
Apparently they did two separate tapings. One was a commercial for Enmax, and the other was part of a news segment on the aforementioned cable show.
Friday morning was cold & raining - not a great day to be standing in the back yard talking about the merits of solar energy, so our house was rearranged and staged for indoor interviews, and shots of Dan turning on the T.V. ,and light switches, and using the microwave, etc.
They brought a nice flower arrangement as a prop and also to thank us.

Luckily, the sun popped out in the afternoon, so they were able to get the outdoor stuff done also. Too bad they didn't come before the hailstorm when the garden looked nice, but there's nothing we could do about that.
Dan says that Taz made a couple of accidental cameo appearances by wandering into the backyard shots :-) Please, no pawtographs, we don't need a diva on our hands.
Dan, of course, is a pro at that kind of thing. He has no problem with speaking in public and he has experience in front of a camera. He was the hot air balloon pilot in that hokey movie in Argentina, and he's had his mug splashed on the front page of the Lifestyle section of the Calgary Herald wearing a flight suit that he sewed himself, but I think he was a little bit intimidated when the 3-ring circus showed up at the door. He says that he's not happy with his performance, and he's hoping that it never sees air, but I'm betting he did a great job! As the crew was leaving, they were gushing about how easy it had been to work with him, and what a natural he is!
I'll try to get some autographed 8x10 glossies out to his fans soon.
Gotta go. There are lots of pastries left, and they're calling my name.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
wow!! I assume you're going to tape the event so we can all see it? I'm sure he was great. Now he's going to have to help us go solar, it doesn't make sense not to down here.
Congrats Dan! Now pass the pastries.
Um, I'm not even sure we get the channel he'll be on, but of course I'll tape it if I can.
Just catching up, be sure to give a big "atta-boy" from me to the newest Media Sensation! I'd love to have a gander at the finished broadcast if you can capture it.
From one media sensation to another eh, radio star?
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