A beautiful gift basket filled with gardening goodies. Look at this stuff...a planter, a tote bag, a vase, a pail with a ready-to-plant dahlia kit, a bag full of more dahlia bulbs, seeds, knee pads, 3 hand tools, a couple of solar lights, a Welcome To My Garden sign, glow sticks, a roll of twist ties, a nice pair of pruners AND gardening gloves! Wow!

And as if that wasn't enough, there was another little gift bag with this handy dandy mini solar charger for phone, I-pad etc. Pretty cool eh?

Other random stuff...
I usually lose (get trounced!) when playing Lexulous against the computer, But every once in a while I get a good word in. See? I got Cowling(s). Sure, I still lost, but it's always fun to get my name in there.

I actually won a game of computerized Mexican Train. I have a better chance of winning against my computer friends than I do against the real people, but I miss the MEXICAN TRAIN call and the clicky noise of the dominos.

The Smashed Potatoes that I pinned from the Pinterest site were a hit.

But the Hash Brown Casserole that we had for breakfast today was just okay. Unfortunate really, because there's enough to feed a dozen people.

My money laundering experiment.

Remember the big hailstorm that we had a couple of weeks ago? I meant to post this earlier, but forgot. This is 19th street the next morning. Kinda pretty, I thought.

Taz continues to improve daily. The stitches still look like Hell, but they don't seem to be bothering her too much. We're still keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't scratch at them and tear them, but so far, so good.
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