
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

This & that

Look what was delivered yesterday - a thank you gift from Enmax!

A beautiful gift basket filled with gardening goodies. Look at this stuff...a planter, a tote bag, a vase, a pail with a ready-to-plant dahlia kit, a bag full of more dahlia bulbs, seeds, knee pads, 3 hand tools, a couple of solar lights, a Welcome To My Garden sign, glow sticks, a roll of twist ties, a nice pair of pruners AND gardening gloves! Wow!

And as if that wasn't enough, there was another little gift bag with this handy dandy mini solar charger for phone, I-pad etc. Pretty cool eh?

Other random stuff...

I usually lose (get trounced!) when playing Lexulous against the computer, But every once in a while I get a good word in. See? I got Cowling(s). Sure, I still lost, but it's always fun to get my name in there.

I actually won a game of computerized Mexican Train. I have a better chance of winning against my computer friends than I do against the real people, but I miss the MEXICAN TRAIN call and the clicky noise of the dominos.

The Smashed Potatoes that I pinned from the Pinterest site were a hit.

But the Hash Brown Casserole that we had for breakfast today was just okay. Unfortunate really, because there's enough to feed a dozen people.

My money laundering experiment.

Remember the big hailstorm that we had a couple of weeks ago? I meant to post this earlier, but forgot. This is 19th street the next morning. Kinda pretty, I thought.

Taz continues to improve daily. The stitches still look like Hell, but they don't seem to be bothering her too much. We're still keeping a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't scratch at them and tear them, but so far, so good.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Carl Scott said...

Had to scroll down a few posts to see why you got a gift from Enmax.
You're a bloggin' fool these days, lady. An appropriately snarky comment was left on the relevant post

Mel150 said...

I'm so happy about Taz and her benignity. Truly made my day. Ironically, I have a friend in hospital who won't get his results for a month. Maybe he should have gone to a vet.

Did Enmax send gardening stuff after seeing the state of your garden? Btw, when do we get to see Dan's video?

Cheryl said...

Try to keep up, Carl. There'll be a quiz in November.

Yes, I'm sure the Enmax rep took a look at the garden and thought, man, this woman needs help!

We're thrilled with Taz's benignity too. Her benign-ness isn't too happy right now, though. She won't leave one of the incisions alone, so she has to wear a cone :(

Mel150 said...

By the way, I miss Mexican Train! We've been too lazy to teach it to guests, so it lies dormant.

Cheryl said...

The computerized version of Mexican Train is a bit different from the real game, you're gonna have to teach us all over again.