
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not just chicken?

We've lived in the same house for 20 some years.  For that entire time there's been a Swiss Chalet about a kilometer away and I've never once set foot in it because I thought all they served was chicken.  They sent a flyer in the mail a couple of weeks ago which we normally don't get because we have a "No Flyers" sign on the mailbox.  The odd flyer that does get delivered usually gets tossed into the recycling bin without being looked at.  So for some reason, the flyer was delivered and got left on the kitchen table.  The next morning I was too lazy to go and look for my book at breakfast time, so I browsed through the menu.  Surprise!  They have fish & chips!  Who knew?  So, off we went to check it out at lunch time.

The perogies looked good, but we didn't order them.  Maybe next time.

Dan had the chicken, I had the fish.

Okay, so maybe they weren't the best fish & chips I've ever had, but they weren't bad.  And because the portion size was enormous, I brought home enough for dinner too.

We'd only been gone for about an hour but you'd think we'd been gone for a month by the greeting that we got from the dogs when we returned.  Gracie is pushier so she gets to the door first.  Taz grabs the greeting bear and patiently waits for her turn to say hello.

Everybody say Awww! 
That ratty old bear is as old as she is and it's definitely seen better days, but it's still the toy she goes for when someone comes into the house. 
(Not possible to greet someone without a toy!)

The bear used to be the same size as Taz! (And look - it used to have a face!)


Mel150 said...

Awwwwwww!! I've seen the greeting bear of course, along with the greeting duck, the greeting oven mitt, and the greeting sock. But I've never seen this puppy picture. Cute!!

Mel150 said...

oh, by the way, if you log into your google account, then click preview, the "Email Follow-up comments to me" box appears. I think it's ironic that the word verification for this one is "inglys". Spellcheck!

Cheryl said...

Yep, she was one cute puppy! Still cute - just 70 lbs more of her to love now!