I know, it doesn't look like much, but this little signature took me best part of 3 hours to figure out.
I'd noticed signatures at the bottoms of the posts on other people's blogs but had no idea how to do it. I tried a couple of options that entailed about 78 steps each and then still didn't work, (grrr!) before I finally found a "wizard" that walked me through the process. I still haven't perfected it yet. When I save it to re-use it, it ends up with a box around it. (Why??), but I'm getting there. It's a proud moment for me. I feel like I've mastered Latin or something.
Yours truly,
This is a test. I love that Taz has kept his bear in such good conition !
O.K. I used anonymous, it's good. I will just go with being anonyous.
Hey Debbie (anonymous). I've tried signing in to your Google account and it just tells me that it doesn't exist. Liars! I set it up, I know it exists. Oh well, it's good to hear from you no matter how you have to do it.
Good job on the signature. Very fancy and scrolly!
Just a fancy font, I'm afraid. My real signature looks nothing like that.
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