
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The cold shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis.  That's the diagnosis on my shoulder.  WTF??  Yes, I said the same thing.  It's more commonly known as "frozen shoulder".  No known cause, but it generally affects people between the ages of 40-60 and for some reason it affects women more often than men.  And I have it.  Boo!!  The good news is that it WILL go away, the bad news is that it can take upwards of 2 years!!    So, there goes my dream of being a champion polo player.  Ditto the plan of running away to join the circus as a trapeze artist. (Insert heavy sigh here)   My life, for as long as it takes, will consist of thrice daily exercises, physiotherapy, alternating heat & ice packs, massages, anti-inflammatory drugs and self pity.
Okay, scratch that last one.  Not allowed.  Only positive thinking is allowed.  This will be the fastest healing shoulder in the history of frozen shoulders! 

I was feeling kinda bummed out about the whole thing today, so I bought myself a little present to cheer myself up.  This is my new tripod.

Not top-of-the-line by any means, but a definite step up from the one that came free with my camera bag.  That one was a piece of crap and didn't last through one trip.  But, as nice as my new toy is, it just didn't quite satisfy the "oh, poor me, I need a present" feeling.  So...

Mmmm...mmmm...strawberry/mango strudel.   Okay, I feel better now.


Mel150 said...

That strudel looks like the ticket! I used to buy myself a chocolate bar after every time I needed a shot of cortisone in my bursa. The doctor froze it, so it didn't hurt, but that needle was SOOOO long! And the doctor did say to rest afterward. Resting is better with a chocolate bar.

What about the treatment where they knock you out and manipulate the shoulder to break up adhesions?

Cheryl said...

Chocolate! Yes, that would work too! I had a massage therapist try to break up the adhesions yesterday, but I was very much awake. She made me cry. I'm exploring all options. Looking into prolotherapy next Wednesday.

Mel150 said...

Cool. At least it's not a hot poker anymore, although it sounds like that massage therapist should have had a hot poker up her...never mind.

Anonymous said...

Why in a world so full of all the answers they can not find a cause for so many illnesses and big owies? You could still sing with the Osmonds, oh no they quit touring last year. I am sure we can help you fill one dream... at least there are options to help you. For me, it's just a padded room :(

Cheryl said...

Hot poker - yes, that's the way they tried to cure my nose bleeds. Yikes! (or words to that effect)
And Debbie - singing with the Osmonds? Oh, that's SO wrong in SO many ways! You really do need a padded room if that's the kind of thing that's in your brain...

Mel150 said...

Oh, by the way I like your tripod, too. The strudel distracted me.