
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Monday, September 6, 2010


I never promised you riveting entertainment on this blog did I? 
Placemats.  Yes, that's right, a blog entry about placemats.  (Yawn!)  What can I say?  It's been a slow week-end.  I'm crocheting these for the house in Mexico.  Two down, two more to go.  They're fast, easy and I like them.

I also think they'll look good on the dining table which is right next to the kitchen, which as you may recall from Mexican Madness, has tiles in similar colours!

So, there you have it.  C'mon - they can't all be scintillating entries about broken eyeglasses and frozen shoulders...
Not a terribly exciting long weekend, but still enjoyable.  Had a nice long walk on Nose Hill with the Wongs today.  (Hi Lesley, hi Dave!)  It was perfect weather.  Bright & sunny and we were all a bit over dressed for it.

Dan & David

Lola in a rare moment of resting

Tons of daisies up there

Didn't realize until I downloaded this picture that the city seems hazy.  Seemed clear enough at the time.

And finally...following the dogs through the woods.


Mel150 said...

There's not much I miss about Calgary, but those fall walks on Nose Hill top the list.

Cheryl said...

I was thinking of you yesterday. It was an excellent walk. Got only slightly lost...

Anonymous said...

Placemats, you made placemats ?? They are quite cute and you are very clever (you need more than 2) but cualquier, I am still waiting for my socks !!!
I miss 4 seasons ! And green (and brown) grass, and evergreen trees.

(and sleep !)