
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Murder mystery marathon

Bloody Twist - Carolina Garcia Aguilera
Two For The Dough - Janet Evanovich

I had to read these two murder mysteries back-to-back to compare the two authors.  I read Janet Evanovich's first Stephanie Plum mystery (One For The Money) a few weeks ago and it really reminded me of another series that I had read years ago.  Couldn't remember the name of the first author though, only that it had a Latina investigator in it...  Carl to the rescue!  Thank you, Carl.   I should've known to just ask you in the first place.
So, Lupe Solano is a private investigator living in Miami, Florida and Stephanie Plum is a bounty hunter living in Trenton, New Jersey.  Other than that they're pretty much interchangeable.  If you like one, you'll like the other one.  Lucky for me, I like them.  Lucky because between the two there are about a hundred titles to read.  (Yes, I'm prone to exaggeration.)
Bloody Twist got on my nerves a little at first.  I'm okay with the concept of repetition-for-emphasis, but I found myself talking back to the book. "Yes, your client is a high-priced call girl in South Beach and she's a virgin.  Yes, that's unusual.  We get it -   can we move on now please?"   Not sure if she quit doing it, or if I just got used to it, but it didn't bother me once I got past the first few pages.
Kinda weird that I'm enjoying these because I'm definitely NOT a murder mystery lover.  Also not a big fan of formula type novels, but what the Hell, they're kind of fun.  I like knowing that there are so many titles available that I can pick one up every once in awhile just for a change of pace.

P.S.  Relax.  I'm done reading for awhile.


Mel150 said...

I'd be joining in on this, but I haven't read anything very worthwhile lately, just kind of slogging through some mildly interesting books.

Cheryl said...

Ha ha, like this is great literature...