
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Yay!  I finally managed to do a multiple image that I like.  This is Taz in the Sea of Cortez circa 2008. 
I still haven't figured out the cropping/sizing issue, I just got lucky with these two different sized pictures.

And, because it's my blog and I can do what I want...
I combined some old calligraphy with some even older poetry with a photo taken in Mexico last year. 

Only took me about 57 attempts to size them to fit eachother. 
Well, they still don't quite fit perfectly, but it's as good as it's ever gonna get.

That was actually kinda fun.  I'm gonna have to dig through the archives and see what else might work.
Hey, Lesley - do you like my seagulls?  I must've inherited my artistic (ahem) abilities from Dad eh?

Yep, I'm enjoying this.  More ancient calligraphy and a photo of a door in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.


Don't worry, I'll tire of this sooner or later.


Anonymous said...

and now you can print these and start another job ! they are both really good, i like them.

Cheryl said...

Holy crap you're fast. I went back to add something to the post and you'd already left a comment!

Thanks, but I think I'd better stick to accounting.