
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Taz models her new Thundershirt.  This stretchy jacket is supposed to help to relieve her anxiety while travelling.  Apparently, it's acts as a big hug that will calm her fears in the van.  Uh huh.  We'll see.  The website had a LOT of positive testimonials (Duh, like they'd put negative stuff on there) and also, some of my Flickr friends have reported good results.    It's a long drive to Mexico and we know from past experience that she's gonna drive us crazy before we get out of Montana, so we figured it's worth a shot. (We have drugs as a back up plan, but would really rather not use them.)  She seems to like wearing it, but of course that velcro ripping sound was pretty darn scary.



Mel150 said...

Still planning on leaving the 17th? How long will you take to get here? Not that I'm anxious to see you.

Cheryl said...

We're anxious to get there too. We don't have an actual leaving date yet. The counter is based on the 19th, but that's just a guess. Dan's last day at work is Thursday, mine is Nov 12th. Should be ready to roll within a week or so after that. Still some things to take care of first.

Anonymous said...

I hope Taz's thundershirt helps, poor little girl. Tell her she'll see Shadow soon, that might help her through. I've been telling Shadow he'll see Taz soon. He's pretending to be indifferent but I know better.

Cheryl said...

I've told Taz that she'll being seeing Shadow soon. She is also feigning indifference. She's so cool, she's even pretending not to care about the big puddle.

Anonymous said...

Carl agrees, don't waste your drugs on the dog.

Cheryl said...

You're right. I'm gonna need those sedatives myself when we get to Mexico. Trains, roosters, tuba music, all-night bark fests...