
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making progress, but I'm stumped...

I've posted this to a couple of Flickr knitting groups in the hopes that an experienced knitter will be able to help me to decipher the instructions.
I thought I was doing pretty good, until I came to the instructions that said to either knit 2 together, or purl 2 together, whichever is appropriate...Huh?? .I considered flipping a coin to determine which was appropriate, but there's probably a right answer and a wrong answer - and I think we know which one I would choose.


Anonymous said...

Doug's sister knits, would you like me to have her look at this situation for you ?

Cheryl said...

I did a test swatch and I think I'm okay. I just don't have the confidence to go ahead and do it on the sweater yet. If I do it on the sweater and I mess it up, I may be asking for your SIL's address so I can send her the wreckage and have her fix it.
I'm wishing I'd never started it at this point.

Anonymous said...

O.K. but look what you have accomplished, you are a trooper to even start, I have 2 left thumbs, feet too! Let me know...