
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mountain get-away

Cari-Ann went to Vancouver for the week-end and she offered us her condo to use while she was away.  Sweet!  We arrived Saturday morning.

We packed a stuffie for Taz, but of course, Muñeca's stuffed Husky was way more interesting.

Looking down C-A's street.  (Her condo is just on the right-hand side)

This is the view from her balcony.

We walked our feet off - mostly along the river pathways.

We like the trestle bridge

Taz - not so much.  She has to be coaxed across it every time.

It's worth it though, because the good swimming hole is just on the other side. 
Woohoo!  Swimmin' and sticks!


Also spent some time walking along the creeks,

where there are more scary bridges

The boardwalk is really just another bridge, but it's about a ½ km long.  By the time we got to the end she was quite okay with it.

Of course we were dreaming and checking out the possibilities...

This duplex is right outside Cari-Ann's kitchen window. 
Her friends live in ½ of it, the other side is for sale.

I like this gorgeous little chalet,

or this beautiful stone house

This adorable little cottage is just around the corner from C-A

If you've got a half a million dollars to spend, there are lots of houses/condos available, but after an in-depth study of the local real estate newspaper, we realized that we will be able to afford a place in Canmore when...

There was a bear sighting on the pathway by the river, but we opted to turn around when the people ahead of us let us know about it, so the only bear we saw was this one in somebody's garden
(I'm okay with that!)

Of course, it's not Canmore without the bunnies.  Thousands of them!

This is somebody's house number sign.  Nice eh?

This piece art has been the subject of much controversy in town, but it seems that the people are starting to accept it.   In the winter, he gets bundled up in giant knitted toques and ear-muffs,  and of course, he gets dressed for special occasions like St. Patrick's Day & Halloween.  I love it when people interact with their public art!

Even the graffitti in Canmore is pleasant.

Peace, man.


Anonymous said...

Good to know I will NEVER beable to buy a place in Canmore either. We have been looking for someplace close. We looked in Kamloops, but it is too far away.I think south is better, maybe just in Montana close to the boarder on either side.
Looks like you all had fun, but you were no where to be seen...

Cheryl said...

Yeah, nice place to visit, but we're not moving there anytime soon.
I was there - just on the other side of the camera, as usual. You've seen the passport photos - it's better that way.

Mel150 said...

Looks like a beautiful weekend. Why is Dan wearing so many clothes?

Cheryl said...

It was a great weekend! And it's chilly in the mornings in the mountains.

Anonymous said...

You need to be in the pictures ! Really.
And you do have a vacation home...it is just really far away.

Cheryl said...

Okay, I'll work on being in the pictures more - no promises.
And yes, we have a wonderful vacation home! I can't wait to see it again!

Anonymous said...

which is just around the corner. have you started your stack of stuff to take ?

Cheryl said...

Yes, but it's a much smaller stack this year. So far, everything fits into a laundry basket.

Anonymous said...

haha, you have 57 days left...

Cheryl said...

Yes, lots of time for the the laundry basket to explode!

Anonymous said...

or just another small box here and a bit larger box there !