
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Passport photos

 Because we could all use a good laugh...
You thought I was kidding about the passport photos didn't you?  Admit it, you thought I was just being vain.  You didn't believe that I really looked like a criminal did you?  Well, see for yourself...  All that's missing is the orange jumpsuit and the numbers underneath!  Seriously, this woman is scary.  Probably up on manslaughter charges or something felonious.   I'm sure she'd beat you up for your cigarettes in jail.

I decided that I couldn't live with that for 5 years, so I had another one taken.  This woman still looks like a criminal, but maybe just a cheque forger or something non-violent. 

Is there a special course that these passport photographers take?  And why aren't we allowed to crack a smile?  Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

I hate passport photos. And really why not smile? Mine is sooo bad, I look like, well an ax murder, with a cold.
Yours looks good.

Cheryl said...

Hahaha - maybe we're twins that were separated at birth.

Mel150 said...

Wow. You are scary. According to passport Canada, "The photos provided will be printed in the passport. In order for our equipment to read the photo correctly, applicants are asked not to smile."

Sound like BS? Or do they simply have equipment THAT old? I happened to see that as I'm getting ready to renew mine. Which means getting correct passport photos in Mexico. Here are the rules: http://www.ppt.gc.ca/cdn/photos.aspx

Good luck to me.

Cheryl said...

Yep, good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

As an expert in disliking photos of myself I'd just like to say, HOLY MOLEY! You can have all my smokes forever, really!
Seriously, give me name of this photo place. I believe I have the lack of skills to make a career of it there.


Cheryl said...

See? You'll never complain about a photo of yourself again will you?