
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Quick trip to Victoria

Lesley & I went to Victoria to say good-bye to "Uncle" Bill last weekend.  He wasn't related, but he's always been Uncle Bill to us.  He was Dad's best friend since they were school boys together.  The memorial tea was a nice send off.  Lots of people and good stories.

We had a nice flight out there.

Approaching Victoria.  Lots of boats in a nice little harbour.

Welcome to Victoria

A nice view of the straits of Juan de Fuca from our 10th floor hotel room

3 cruise ships in port


Great looking house, also from our balcony

We found the outdoor market and wandered around for awhile.

Not sure how people make money selling flowers in a city where so many people are gardeners and can grow their own

Rainbow kale

A walk around the parliament buildings

R.I.P. Mr. Layton (and Uncle Bill)

The harbour from the grounds of the parliament building

And of course, the Empress Hotel

Flowers everywhere!

Such a pretty city

In honour of Mom, we went to Ogden Point...

...and walked along the pier.  That was her favourite thing to do in Victoria.

Interesting sea creatures

So, Saturday was a great day in Victoria.  Sunday, not such a great day in Vancouver airport.  Stand-by travel at its worst!  Oh well, we made friends with the other "cons" (contingency passengers) and we did finally get on a flight home, so all's well that ends well, I suppose.


Mel150 said...

But...but...you don't mention buying all of those cherries and eating them! You must have...

Cheryl said...

Nary a cherry was consumed by either of us.