
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mountain get-aways

Cari-Ann is in Bolivia for 5 weeks and she generously offered to let us use her house while she is away.  We've been having a blast pretending that we live in Canmore.  Well, on the week-ends anyway.
A couple of weeks ago we drove up in a snowstorm.  It was kind of spooky the way the mountains were just barely visible.

Cari-Ann lives in a quiet neighbourhood right at the base of the Three Sisters.

There are miles of bike paths and walking trails, and we've explored most of them.

Around the 'hood.

Whatcha lookin' at Taz?

Taz is fascinated by chipmunks and squirrels (and there are a LOT of them!)

Along the trail

Not a great shot, but this robin is building a nest in the tree right outside the kitchen window.  She didn't stick around long before she was off for more construction materials.  I've been checking the window regularly to try to get a better picture, but I haven't seen her since.

We're pretending to be locals, but we give ourselves away by going gaga over the wildlife.  
Lots of deer, and elk in the neighbourhood.

At least they use the crosswalk.

This would've been a nice, but I clicked the shutter just in time to get a butt shot.

A reflection in a neighbours window.

And now for Taz's favourite part.  The local off-leash park is spectacular!

We've been thinking that it might be time for a change of address, so it's been fun test driving Canmore.  Of course, unless we win the lottery, that's not likely to happen, but we've had 3 wonderful week-ends pretending...(one more to go!)


Carl Scott said...

Bad blog follower, Carl. Bad boy!
Nice shots from Canmore.
Taz looks very content, Shadow would go nuts there, in a good way.
It's getting killer hot here, I think we're going to have an exceptionally hot Summer.
Spanish class is at 6, have you done your homework?

Mel150 said...

wow, it looks so wonderful! I would love to spend a few days there exploring the trails...I can almost smell it!

Cheryl said...

Yes, lots of great trails. Of course, I'm always looking over my shoulder watching for bears...

Hasn't been much to follow lately, Carl. Still having trouble with my laptop - it keeps shutting itself down in the middle of whatever I'm doing. Grrrr!
And nope, haven't cracked a Spanish book in months :)