
A good friend once said to me: "If a door opens in front of you - get off your ass and dance through it...laughing."

I'm trying, Nancy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I know, I'm weeks behind posting pictures of spring, but that's the way my life works sometimes.
Spring officially starts for me with the sighting of the first crocus.  

Our local off-leash park has been especially green this year.  
I love the way this path just kind of meanders through it.

This tree is just down the street from us.  Every year I'm blown away by how huge it is, and by how many blossoms are on it.

Tree in the park

Our back garden smells SO good right now!

Sorry, this is a really crappy photo, but considering it was taken from my office window, across the road and several hundred yards away, it's not bad.  This little calf is just minutes old.  He was just standing up on wobbly legs.  You don't see that from a highrise office downtown!

Our last week-end in Canmore was wonderful!

  This is the view from Cari-Ann's front deck.  Nice eh?

Bill & Vi came up to install the doggy gates that they made to keep Muñeca in.  Taz is helping her favourite person in the world to test them out.

We spent ages at the Quarry Lake off-leash park watching dozens of avalanches.  Cool!

I'm pretty sure we woke this guy up on one of our walks.

On a completely different note.  I've been thinking of trying my hand at quilting.  I'm gathering the accoutrements, but I haven't gone as far as actually buying fabric yet.  I love the idea of choosing fabrics and making patterns with it, but the idea of sewing still scares the crap out of me...
I thought I'd start small, like maybe a pot-holder or something.

One of my co-workers just had a baby, so I decided to make a pair of baby moccasins for her.  Over the years, I've made probably a dozen pairs of these, but none in the last couple of decades.  I was surprised to find that Tandy Leather still sells the kits.

They turned out okay, considering how long it's been since the last pair I made.

A rainy day.  This was taken from the kitchen window.  I just like the streakiness.

No rain today, though.  Bright & sunny - perfect for painting a chair.  More on that later,


Mel150 said...

wow, you've been busy! The moccasins are cute as hell! I could use some more pot holders...

I can practically smell the lilacs, nice. It all looks very springlike!

CJ said...

Nice picture of the cow/calf pair!

Cheryl said...

Yeah, too bad it's not a scratch n sniff picture, they are sooooo nice!

Connie, it would help if you could train your cows to stand still and pose.