Taz did eventually end up being a cone head for a few days.

Poor girl was NOT happy about that.

She is perfectly fine now, though. Once the stitches came out, she still looked kind of freaky with bare patches all over, so we shaved her down to try and even it out.
Taz & I spent a wonderful afternoon at Big Hill Springs park

It's so pretty there.

Of course Taz's favourite part is the creek.

Then there was a weekend in Canmore. We were puppy sitting Muñeca, so of course there were lots of walks around the pretty paths there, and a couple of visits to the Quarry Lake off leash park.

Had to try out my new shoes.

So we headed to Bragg Creek to hike the Fullerton loop. Unfortunately, we got there at the exact same time as a large group. What are the odds, eh?

We lagged behind until we got to the decision point of the trail, hoping they would do the loop in the clockwise direction, but of course they didn't. I didn't want to listen to them all afternoon, so we went up the steep way. It was a little steeper than I remembered, or maybe I'm a lot older...either way, we were both pooped when we got to the top.

It was worth it though. All the pretty views are on the front side.

I enjoyed it so much that I went back down the same way.

Stopped at Allen Bill pond for a cool off.

Back in the city. Look at the baby tower!

Sitting at the kitchen table one day, I swatted 4 wasps in about 10 minutes. Obviously, we had a problem. Dan discovered a hole in the outside wall, right by where our microwave vents. He got up before dawn the next day to spray, but it wasn't wholly successful, the wasps were still finding their way in. So, what started as a minor irritation turned into a full scale, 3 day project that involved removing the microwave, cleaning cupboards, plugging the hole, etcetera...

Out for a walk with Taz one morning, I was taking pictures of the sunrise. I turned around and it looked like someone had hung a painting on the side of the Real Estate Board building. Pretty cool. The sunrise pics that I took were crap, but I liked this reflection.

We've had just the best autumn this year. Tuesday we finally got the killing frost, but I grabbed the last of the flowers from the garden just in time.

Couple of cold days this week, but temps are starting to rise again, so the Indian Summer continues :)
It would be good weather to get the city parks cleaned up and ready for winter, but somebody in charge of the Parks Department budget messed up big time, so everybody was laid off early this year. Dan's last day of the season was Thursday - about a month earlier than usual! He's a happy man,! He has a long list of things that he wants to do before we head south.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Nice scenery shots, and you even got some pics of Taz when she wasn't in the water, Congrats!
That tower is definitely getting smaller. The first time I was ever in Calgary it was still called the Husky Tower. Remember that?
Weather's cooling off here too. It rarely gets over 85F kn the house any more. Of course we're all wimpy now and turn on the A/C at 86 or 87.
As far as I know Regina's is still open, we've been promoting it as hard as we can. We might even make another trip this weekend and try to drag a couple of people with us. By all appearances they're in it for the moderately long haul which is good for all of us.
Cari-Ann will be here next weekend so we'll make her go and spend some money there too.
See you soon, thanks for blogging.
Yup, us old timers still slip up and call it the Husky Tower sometimes. Of course I've been known to call Canada Olympic Park "Paskapoo", too. There should be a law against changing the names of major landmarks.
Cari-Ann is looking forward to her trip, especially now that she has secured puppy care for Muñeca. Dan is going to stay at her place while she's at our place.
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