I'm not a particularly confident knitter, so I needed a quick, easy project to get me motivated and in the hang of reading patterns again.
This went relatively quickly. Except for that damned line 14 which I knit and unknit no less than 3 times! Grrrrrrr! My fault, not the pattern.
I recently joined Ravelry.com. (My user name is Shantaz. If you're a member, look for me). It's an amazing resource for all kinds of fiber arts. Lots of free patterns, and lots of pictures of completed projects, so you can see how things turn out when produced by other people. (As opposed to the perfect photos on the patterns) Different colours, different types of yarn, added personal touches, and lots of helpful comments.
There's a library to store patterns and a project log to keep track of what type of yarn was used, the needle or hook size, and any other notes you want to make. You can also add photos of your work in progress, the finished products, or your dog, or whatever. It appears to be unlimited.
These little felted slippers are the reason that I joined Ravelry in the first place. Aren't they cute?

This pattern wasn't free, but could be downloaded at a nominal cost through Ravelry. I scoured the photo gallery of slippers completed using it.

TL: Amongthetrees, TR:OCD
BL: Deborahanne, BR: Heidijoh

TL: Sheilaw, TR: Traceynicole
BL: Ginaknits, BR: Lindaac
(Love the buttons on the green ones!). Over 6000 variations, and most of the knitters said that the pattern was easy to follow, and that they were happy with the results. Alrighty then, let's give them a go. Just waiting for Gina Brown's (yarn store) to open.
Oh, I've never felted anything before (not intentionally at least), so even if I manage to do a good job knitting, there's still plenty of opportunity to mess them up during that process :)
Felting! Fascinating. Looking forward to the pictures when they come out. And to think I'm spending all my spare time working on websites.
But you love doing that!
Felting sounds easy enough, just washing in hot water really, but I'm sure there are some tricks to it that I'm clueless about.
I think the one's credited to Sheilaw look the most like Edvard Munch's The Scream. In an upside-down, there's-two-of-them-with-only-one-eye-each, kind of way. Just sayin'
Carl, Carl, Carl. Only you could get that from a pair of slippers.
But some of 'em look downright jolly. Is it just me?
No, the green ones and the orange ones look pretty darn jolly to me too :)
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